FANS of Bollywood actor Salman Khan burst firecrackers inside a movie theatre during the screening of his film ‘Tiger 3’ in Malegaon in Maharashtra’s Nashik district, police said on Monday. The incident took place at Mohan Cinema in the Malegaon Chhavni area on Sunday night, the official said. During the screening of the movie, a group of fans burst firecrackers inside the theatre, causing panic among moviegoers, he said.The police are in the process of registering an offence under sections 435 (mischief by fire or explosive substance with intent to cause damage) and 336 (act endangering life or personal safety of others) of the Indian Penal Code, the official said. The identity of the accused persons is yet to be established, he said.
Earlier a group of moviegoers had created a ruckus outside the theatre, he said, adding that the police are probing the incident. ‘Tiger 3’ earns Rs 94 crore worldwide on opening day: SALMAN Khan-starrer “Tiger 3”, which released in theatres on Diwali, has earned the superstar the biggest opening day of his career by amassing Rs 94 crore worldwide, production banner Yash Raj Films (YRF) said on Monday. Directed by Maneesh Sharma and also starring Katrina Kaif and Emraan Hashmi, the film released on Sunday on the festive occasion of Diwali in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.
In a post on X, YRF said the film had earned Rs 94 crore in global gross, making the film the highest earning Diwali release in Hindi cinema. “Tiger 3” collected Rs 52.50 crore gross in India (Rs 44.50 crore nett) and Rs 41.50 crore from the overseas markets, the studio said in a collection note shared on social media. “Tiger 3” is sequel to the 2017 film “Tiger Zinda Hai” and a part of the studio’s ambitious spy universe that will see characters from Shah Rukh Khan’s “Pathaan” and Hrithik Roshan-led “War” criss-crossing in future stories.