Another set of trees in the line of devpt

24 Nov 2023 07:27:21

Nagpur-Itarasi Railway line 
Staff Reporter
Like other developing cities in the country, Nagpur is also losing its green cover rapidly as infrastructure development gains pace. In a recent development, the Central Railway (CR), which plans to expand its Nagpur-Itarsi Broad-gauge line, has sought permission for felling of 82 full grown trees, including 15 heritage trees, in the city. It has sent a letter to this effect to the Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC). The Garden Department of NMC, accordingly, published a notice in the newspapers on Thursday, asking citizens to raise objections, if any, against the tree-felling sought by the Central Railway. The objections need to be raised within seven days of publishing of the notice. For this proposed expansion project, the CR plans to fell 82 trees, including Maharukh (2), Neem (4), Pakhal (1), Gulmohor (3), Keshia (6), Chichbilai (8), Babool (17), Teak (21), Chichwa (1), Tamarind (6), Jangli Karanja (1), Bhokar (4), and Subabool (8). The cumulative age of 15 heritage trees is 153 years. However, remaining 67 trees are 21 to 49 years old. Due to massive infrastructure development, many green pockets of the city turned grey in recent time. Administrative bodies, such as Maha Metro, Central Railway, National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) etc. are frequently raising demand of tree felling before the garden department and the local tree authority without raising any question to authorities allow to fell trees despite objections raised by citizens.
Earlier, the state government kept the power of decision making of the fate of heritage trees under its own jurisdiction. After the change of government in the state, the rule has changed and the local tree authorities of all civic bodies got the power to take all type of decisions of tree felling. After this development, NMC allowing all stakeholders to cut trees that obstructing development projects in city. However, the objections raised by citizens and the public hearing that conducted for previous applications of tree felling by NMC, had no use as the garden department allowed all applications to fell trees so far. Surbhi Jaiswal, Team Lead, Green Vigil Foundation said, “As per the track records, we all know, compensatory plantation is not taking place as per rule book, as a result of which our city is loosing green cover at an alarming rate.” Whenever such huge number of trees including 15 heritage trees are proposed to be chopped off for any project, age of respective trees should be strictly published in the advertisement in order to estimate the total number of trees to be planted as part of compensatory plantation. As per amendment in The Maharashtra (Urban Areas) Preservation of Trees Act, 1975, and subsequent amendments in 2021 and 2023, number of trees to be planted in compensation shall be equivalent to age of the said tree proposed to be felt.
We believe, applying this amendment, the number of tress to be compensated have been estimated before kicking off the project, she added. “Additionally the compensatory plantation need to be validated once done and should be evaluated every six months with success rate, condition and survival with the help of half yearly reports,” Jaiswal claimed. When asked Ravindra Bhelawe, Deputy Commissioner, Garden Department, NMC about translocation of trees instead of felling it, he said, “Translocation of all trees is not possible in Nagpur’s climate. Every species react differently after translocation. Some may survive but majority will not. At this situation, it is difficult for us to translocate all trees from one place to another.” However, green activist Anasuya Kale Chhabrani said, “Translocation is a failure in Nagpur. Only ficsus species girth size can be translocated but in our dry weather its is not possible.” Chhabrani further said, “Considering the tree census has still not been done, the Air Quality Index (AQI) is on higher side like never before in the city. For civic body, the environment concern should be top priority and trees absorb pollution and felling of trees will increase the pollution.”
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