BIG WORRY City’s air quality ‘Poor’ as AQI touches 266

04 Nov 2023 12:04:04

City’s air quality 
By Ankita Garg
Though it is beginning of festivals and winter season but Bhopal’s air quality remain in the ‘poor’ category with Air Quality Index (AQI) stood at 266.Experts said that by the mid November and December, air quality would be worsen. As AQI is increasing, PM-10 and PM-2.5 level that pollute the air is also rising. Experts said that during winter, elements that spoil the air starts roaming around the surrounding. As there is moisture in air during winters, elements become heavier and stay along with the air that increase the pollution level. State capital Bhopal has day temperature around 30 to 32 degrees Celsius while night temperature is hovering around 15 or 16 degrees Celsius. By the end of November or beginning of December, night temperature would be declining to 10 degrees Celsius. If authorities would not control the rising pollution level, Bhopal would break the record of Delhi, which is known as the most polluted city in India.
In order to know the status of pollution level in Bhopal, real time monitoring is being done at three places in city, including Paryavas Parisar, TT Nagar and Collector office. These three spots take average parameter of pollution level in city. For past one week, air around TT Nagar and Paryavas Parisar is the most polluted spot in the city. On Thursday evening, AQI near Paryavas Parisar was noted down as 266 while Collector office noted AQI as 173 and TT Nagar noted as 176. When AQI goes above 200, air quality comes in poor category. Brajesh Sharma, Regional Director of Pollution Control Board (PCB) said, “Winter has started so people are burning garbage, wood etc during night that is becoming the main reason of rising AQI. PCB is making efforts on its own level to control the pollution level. All necessary action will be taken as per requirement.” He further informed that Air Quality Index tell the quality of air and quantity of gases dissolved in the air.
There are six categories of index based on air quality including good, satisfactory, less polluted, poor, very poor and serious. He further explained the PM-10 and PM- 2.5. PM 10 is known as particulate matter. These elements are smaller than 10 micro meter. It increases due to construction work, garbage burning, etc. A normal level of PM-10 is 100 micro gram cubic meter (MGCM). PM 2.5 is smaller element that dissolve in air. These elements are smaller than 2.5 micro meter. When PM-2.5 increases, weather become foggy and visibility level breaks down. Normal level of PM 2.5 is 60 MGCM and when PM 2.5 increases above 60 MGMC people find it difficult to breathe.
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