Bliss Of Solitude

10 Dec 2023 06:51:40

Complex and vexatious issues of human life challenge the human mind and efforts. The challenge has been accepted and resolved by the pioneers of human civilisation since time immemorial. The analysis of the life and work of great persons invariably demonstrates that they had a deeply reflective and contemplative mind. A few people have been gifted with this intuitive mind since their birth. In most of the cases the depth and sharpness of the mind is achieved through deep reflection and meditative practices over a long period of time. Solitude provides the opportunity to develop the skills and wisdom to solve the tricky problems of life and existence. Solitude makes the mind quiet and silent. A calm and quiet mind becomes capable of thinking clearly and transparently. Through solitude one is present with oneself. Aristotle used to say that solitude releases our energy and judgement. It opens up the human mind to imaginative fields.As a result ,creativity is released and thoughts become deep. It is the experience of experts that solitude generates emotional stability and maturity, thus enhancing wellbeing.
By spending time in solitude one develops good cognitive skills,better visions and insights. Calmness of the mind ensures good interpersonal relationships. Indian culture has always been a great harbinger of solitude. The entire system of mind culture based upon Yoga is the product of solitude. The penance of seers in forests and mountains is the best example of solitude. In the 10 th couplet of the 6th chapter of the Geeta, Lord Krishna has emphasised the importance of solitude for meditation. The famous treatise on Yoga named Hatha Yoga Pradipika mentions the significance of solitude in the couplet 12 th of chapter 1. Lord Budhha became enlightened by sitting in solitude under a Peepal tree in Bodh Gaya for many weeks. Lord Mahaveera achieved Kaivalya on the river of Rujuvalika, by meditating in solitude. It is said that Lord Jesus Christ retired to solitude in the desert. In the field of science also we find that scientists were practising solitude.
Einstein was a solitude loving person. He used to say “I live in solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.” The theory of gravitation was discovered by Newton, while sitting in solitude under an apple tree. Seers are of the opinion that the realisation of higher forces of nature happens only in solitude. Solitude establishes connections with mysteries of life. The long, regular and deep practice of solitude brings us to our core where the mind is dissolved and infinite tranquillity is experienced. All the meditational practices are done in solitude. Solitude purifies our consciousness and establishes in bliss and unruffled joy. In solitude one enjoys the gift of one's company. Sometimes solitude and loneliness are used interchangeably. But both are quite different from one another. Solitude is a choice, while loneliness is forced. Solitude is positive, but loneliness is fraught with a sense of lacking and negativity. Loneliness generates isolation and disconnection and is a sign of mental agony and distress. Even a short practice of solitude enhances emotional quotient and gives clarity and force to our thoughts. All meditational practices are examples of solitude. (The writer is Former DG Police & CG, Homeguards, Maharashtra) 
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