THE swearing-in ceremony of Bhajan Lal Sharma, the Chief Minister-designate in Rajasthan, and his deputies Diya Kumari and Prem Chand Bairwa will be held on December 15. Governor Kalraj Mishra will administer the oath. According to a Raj Bhawan statement, the swearing-in ceremony will be held on Friday outside Albert Hall in Ram Niwas Bagh.
The statement said Mishra congratulated Sharma and approved the swearing-in ceremony programme proposed by him. During the ceremony, Sharma will be sworn in as Chief Minister and Kumari and Bairwa as Cabinet members.
A BJP spokesperson said the ceremony will be held at 11.15 am. The BJP won 115 seats in the November 25 Assembly elections while the Congress got 69 seats. Polling was held on 199 of the 200 seats in the State Assembly. Sharma, a first-time MLA, was on Tuesday announced as the Chief Minister-designate during a BJP Legislature Party meeting in the presence of the party’s central observers Rajnath Singh, Saroj Pandey and Vinod Tawde.