Conflict Resolution - Internal & External

24 Dec 2023 08:00:09
Conflict Resolution
Conflict resolution is a very important ingredient of human civilisation for its survival. Unresolved conflicts lead to death and destruction. Human history is a witness to it. Formal courses in conflict resolution are offered in almost all the famous universities of the world. The judiciary is also putting lots of emphasis on the process of reconciliation and meditation. At a cursory look, this topic and concern seem to be of recent origin. Conflict is defined as a serious disagreement, clash or struggle of opinion, interest or principles. It may take any form, emotional, psychological, social, economic, racial, etc. Very elaborate and well researched literature is available on conflict resolution. Summary of conflict management includes identification of the clash points, communication, collaboration, compromise, commitment to resolve the issue, mutual respect, etc. Some of the modern western philosophers have opined that the external world is nothing, but the extension of the human mind. The famous quote of Emerson that man becomes, what he thinks is an indicator of the same principle.
From these postulates it may be concluded that any conflict which is seen externally is the product of internal conflict which arises in human minds whether it is individual or collective. So conflict resolution has its roots in the human psyche. Managing human minds is managing conflicts. Management of human minds has great resonance and vibrant discovery in the Indian system of philosophy and religions. In addition to philosophical and theoretical deliberations, numerous techniques, tools and processes have been devised to manage human minds, cultivate human consciousness and strike an equilibrium in the internal and external life. The Indian system believes that there is a natural rhythm and balance in the entire nature. The balance is maintained by the rhythmic flow of Dwanda or dualism or the opposite pairs. Any disturbance in this rhythmic flow creates conflicts. Human mind also operates on the principle of dualistic rhythms. The Shad Doshas or six vices, Kama or desires, Krodha or anger, Lobha or greed, Moha or attachment, Mada or arrogance and Matsara or jealousy need to be kept in equilibrium, otherwise any imbalance there causes disturbed thoughts leading to conflicts outside. So an imbalanced individual creates conflicts in the family and an imbalanced leader becomes the cause of conflict in the country.
A group of imbalanced leaders poses danger to global peace and order. Hence , the best way to manage conflicts is to manage the human mind.Yoga is the best way to do it. Yoga is balancing and calming the human psyche. A relaxed and calm mind is the most creative and empathetic and conducive to conflict resolution. A great number of research has been conducted on the impact of Yoga and meditation on the human mind. All the research has confirmed that positive attitudes develop as a result of the sustained and regular practices of Yoga. Bihar School of Yoga, Munger, Bihar has conducted numerous pilot projects inside prisons in India as well as abroad and found that aggression, anger, enmity, etc, get reduced due to the internal management throughYoga. So external conflicts can be managed by attending to the internal conflicts throughYogic techniques and tools. (The writer is Former DG Police & CG, Homeguards, Maharashtra) 
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