UNION Minister Anurag Thakur lauded Prime Minister Narendra Modi as the BJP crossed the majority mark in Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan and said that people have rejected the Congress for playing caste-based politics. Union Minister Anurag Thakur said, “The country has faith in PM Modi. All States have shown that only one guarantee works and that is Modi’s guarantee. People want a double-engine Government. Congress’ guarantees have failed. People have rejected the Congress Governments. Now those who want to go abroad for vacation can go. People have shown Congress that if you do caste-based politics, there is only one answer. People want good governance, development and double-engine government of PM Modi.”
Anurag Thakur further said that women in Rajasthan had made up their minds to vote against the Congress for allegations of corruption and poor handling of women’s security in the State. “The more the opposition tried to malign the image of PM Modi the more he evolved with flying colours. For PM Modi youth, women, farmers, and the poor are the only castes in India,” he added. Union Minister Anurag Tomar also praised PM Modi’s leadership for the landslide victory in the Madhya Pradesh elections.
Celebrations have erupted within the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Rajasthan as the party gained the upper hand and crossed the majority mark in these three states. The BJP is set to form the Government in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Chhattisgarh while the Congress will form a Government in Telangana, according to the Election Commission as votes were counted on Sunday, December 3, 2023, for Assembly polls.