BJP contemplates leadership overhaul
   Date :07-Dec-2023

By E V Murli
After the resounding victory of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) victory in Chhattisgarh, surpassing its previous records by securing an impressive 54 seats the party is now engaged in discussions to finalise the new Chief Minister for State, with BJP State Chief Arun Sao currently on a visit to Delhi. It is anticipated that the announcement of the new Chief Minister will be made within the next day or two. Contrastingly, the Congress party faced a significant setback in this election, managing to secure only 35 seats. Notably, nine cabinet members failed to retain their seats. In the aftermath of this unexpected turn, the Congress party has initiated a period of introspection, with a crucial meeting scheduled in Delhi on December 8. The meeting will be attended by former Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, In-charge Kumari Selja and PCC President Deepak Baij who also lost the Assembly election. The meeting aims to analyse the
reasons behind the defeat.
Congress National President Mallikarjun Kharge and Parliamentarian Rahul Gandhi are expected to participate in the deliberations. Meanwhile, in a surprising development within the BJP camp, it is rumored that the party is considering appointing new faces to lead the states of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan, where it emerged victorious. While the official observers are yet to be appointed, sources suggest that the party’s high command, preoccupied with the ongoing winter session of Parliament, might take an additional two to three days to make a formal decision. However, indications from reliable sources strongly suggest that BJP is poised to introduce fresh leadership in all three states, marking a departure from established norms. While there is no official confirmation of the party’s plans, the news has triggered a surge of interest among potential aspirants, further intensifying the competition.
Although specifics of the proposed changes remain undisclosed, a senior party functionary expressed enthusiasm about the prospect of introducing new faces to lead in the three victorious states. While awaiting official confirmation, the party insider remarked that if the leadership indeed decides to usher in fresh faces, it would be a welcome decision. The move is seen as a strategic step to cultivate and nurture new leadership within the party, bringing a breath of fresh air to its governance approach in Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan. The development has sparked a heightened sense of anticipation and speculation within political circles, with aspirants positioning themselves for potential roles in the evolving political scenario.