Business Bureau ;
An entrepreneur can use a ‘vision board’ as a powerful tool to stay focused and motivated to achieve all the goals in life. This was revealed by Rakesh Kamdar, Vice Chairman TiE Global while speaking at the session ‘The power of visualisation in entrepreneurship’ at the entrepreneurs’ conference ‘TiECon Central India 2023’ organised by TiE Nagpur at Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Wathoda on Saturday. Nitin Sachdeva, President of TiE Nagpur moderated the session. Kamdar was speaking from his own experiences said, “A person should always keep the goals in front of him and look at it several times a day. In this way, a person stays focused and is not distracted from the goals in life. There should be no time lines for achieving these goals.
A dream goal may come true even after 20 years. “Keeping a vision board can be a game changer in a persons life,” said Kamdar. Many celebrities use vision board and have succeeded in achieving their goals like Ophra Winfry, Steeve Harvey and Katy Perry. “Simply focus on goals everyday without asking how and when to achieve them. It is a simple exercise”, he said. Making a vision board requires pasting words, some pictures of the things one likes, motivational songs etc. A person can also combine all the short term, long term, business, family and other goals together and succeed in achieving 80 per cent to 90 per cent of these goals, Kamdar added.