‘It’s time to globalise compassion’
   Date :21-Mar-2023

Kailash Satyarthi
Kailash Satyarthi 
Staff Reporter :
Explaining how India believed in compassion, Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi said, “India does not merely talk about compassion, but it has floated several schemes to help the downtrodden. These social protection programmes such as Mid Day Meals, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, Vatsalya are helping the needy people of the society. “By compassion, India never meant empathy or sympathy. We believe in walking together. The language of Civil Society Organisations should be of humanity and love. We have globalised terrorism, economy, etc. Now, it’s time to globalise compassion,” he said. India is mother of one billion solutions.
Leaders of civil society are custodians of collective consciousness of ordinary citizens, democracy, voice of voiceless. Some CSOs are driven by selfish interests, agendas too, stated Satyarthi. The pandemic taught us responsibility and inter-dependence. Rich nations have created 11 trillion dollar fund for revival of economies. Only 0.13% has been allocated to marginalised people. This political injustice is a big challenge. Indian DNA is inclusiveness. We should raise voice for Global South under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, added Satyarthi.