Don’t worry, be happy!
   Date :21-Mar-2023

Don worry be happy
By Rahul Dixit :
Ain’t got no cash, ain’t got no style
Ain’t got no gal to make you smile
But don’t worry, be happy ’
Cause when you worry your face will frown
And that will bring everybody down
So don’t worry, be happy
BOBBY McFerrin’s 1988 feel-good classic had already let out the secret that each of us vehemently refuses to absorb as a nice way of living. Wading through bouts of surprising proclivity towards stress, one whole life is spent in search of happiness that is well entrenched within. McFerrin’s simple message is an all-time solution to do away this propensity towards stress -- Life gets tough. So what? Stay happy, for, whey you worry, you double the trouble. Unfortunately, human beings haveatendency to ignore the simple and crave for the complex. It ends up in compromises as artificial happiness becomes the norm while actual bliss is relegated to just a matter of philosophy, to be discussed and debated. The question is, what constitutes happiness? To be frank, to each his own. Happiness can come from anywhere for anyone. The point is to make it a daily habit to tide over tensions. This is the most tricky zone as material pleasures get readily mixed with the idea of actual happiness. And then comes the stress part as one gets badly entangled in the maze. The simple solution again is -- Enjoy the present. The past has gone and nobody knows the future. Smell the rose, don’t sulk over the thorns, screams the basic philosophy of happiness. Yet, as a matter of dirty habit, simple pleasures are sacrificed each day, all in the search of bigger and unknown happiness. It resides around us, in the little gifts bestowed on us by the One Up There. It is in the rising crimson ball, it is in the cool breeze, it is in the first sip of hot tea, it is in the smell of a book, it is in the aroma of the brew. Happiness, in essence, isastate of mind. And the key is in plucking it out to make it a guiding principle. Like Bobby’s simple message;
In your life expect some trouble  
When you worry you make it double
Don’t worry, be happy, be happy now.