NASA, Spartan win Bapat basketball titles
   Date :06-Mar-2023

Bapat basketball  
NAGPUR Amateur Sporting Association (NASA) boys and Spartan Club girls emerged champions in the basketball tournament organised in memory of Maltibai Bapat by Apollo Basketball Club, Tilak Nagar. More than 15 teams from Nagpur Division participated in the event. In girls category, Spartan pipped DKM 23-22 by just one point in a thrilling final. The best player award was won by Niharika Deoghare and the best defender award went to Harshita Sonawane.
In boys category, NASA beat DKM 42-37 to win the title.
Dheer Agrawal was adjudged as the best player of the tournament while Sushrut Maske got the best defender award.
The tournament was sponsored by sons of Maltibai Bapat Dilip and Nagesh Bapat. Pramod Palkar and Kislay Rai worked hard to make the event successful.