PM Modi calls for mass movement inglobal fight against climate change

16 Apr 2023 08:50:53

PM Modi
PRIME Minister Narendra Modi has said that an idea becomesamassmovement when it moves from “discussion tables to dinner tables”ashecalledforpeople’sparticipationandcollective efforts in combating climate change. He also told a gathering ofworldleadersviavideolink onFriday thatwhenpeople becomeconsciousthatsimple acts in their daily lives are powerful,there willbe a very positive impact on the environment. “People across the world hear a lot about climate change. Many of them feel alotofanxietybecausethey do not know what they can do about it. They are constantlymadetofeelthatonlygovernmentsorglobalinstitutions have a role.
If theylearnthattheycanalsocontribute,theiranxietywillturnintoaction,”ModisaidwhileaddressingtheWorldBankorganised “Making itPersonal: How behavioural change can tackle climatechange” conference.
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