‘Akhand Bharat’ dream
   Date :02-Apr-2023

Akhand Bharat dream
INDIA got freedom from British empire on Aug 15,1947, consequently, Pakistan came into existence in the same year. It was a‘deliberate division’ planted by colonial regime, out of frustration, before leaving the subcontinent. Sufferings on both sides were endless, while‘wounds’ are still seeping in spite of many full scale wars between them. Both countries are now members of world’s elite club of Atomic Powers; which acts as a deterrent for our noisy neighbour. If we recall the words of the then Prime Minister Winston Churchill about India- “Power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues, freebooters; all Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight amongst themselves for power and India will be lost in political squabbles. A day would come when even air and water would be taxed in India.” But today, unlike the verdict given by Churchill, India has emerged as economic power house i.e. fifth largest economy in the world. Not only India, even the people of Indian origin are holding key p o w e r f u l positions in the world today like Kamla Harris, VP of USA, Rishi Sunak (45) Prime Minister of UK since last five months in spite of deep political and economic turmoil. First Minister of Scotland, HamzaYusuf (37),also from Indian subcontinent, elected recently.
Leo Varadkar (40) Prime Minister of Ireland isalso of Indian origin.Varadkar recently visited his native village Varad in Maharashtra, on a private visit. In very near future, PM of UK, Rishi Sunak and First Minister of Scotland, Yusuf Hamza may meet across the table to decide the fate of United Kingdom(UK). On one side, Hamza is leading Scotland’s movement for sepa r a t i o n from UK after Brexit, while on the other, Rishi is against the separation of Scotland from UK. In Ireland, as we know, all is not well too, with long painful history of war between Belfast and London, Leo Varadkar is facing many challenges. Looking on present situation, Churchill’s soul might be gazing eagerly with raised eyebrows from heaven; people from same Indian origin, as predicted by Churchill, like Sunak, Hamza and Varadkar are now deciding the fate of United Kingdom (UK). Is it not an ‘absolutely unimaginable’ situation from Churchill’s point of view?
Does it not look like the ‘scene’ from a Bollywood blockbuster ? Mother nature always acts as ‘ultimate’ power for balancing, at the end of the day! Likewise, it may seem absurd today but who knows...tomorrow, the leaders of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Burma may meet and resolve for United Kingdom of India i.e. ‘Akhand Bharat’, a dream of our esteemed leaders! Recalling the lines of a famous Bhajan, ‘Karam kiye ja... phal ki icha matkar aiye insaan, Jaise karam karega, waise phal dega bhagwan’! ‘Yeh hai Gita ka gyan!’