Doctors at Baderia Hospital perform angioplasty through Orbital Atherectomy technique

23 Apr 2023 10:31:06

Doctors at Baderia Hospital 
Staff Reporter
“Baderia Metroprime Multi Speciality Hospital has become the first hospital in Central India to successfully perform angioplasty through Orbital Atherectomy technique on a 62-year-old patient. This technique has been introduced in India just one month ago and big cities including Nagpur, Bhopal and Raipur are unable to administer this facilities to patients right now,” informed Dr Amzad Ali, Senior Cardiologist, Baderia Metroprime Hospital.
Dr Ali along with another senior Cardiologist Dr Dileep Tiwari was addressing a press conference on Saturday to inform about successful angioplasty performed in the hospital on an elderly patient. The patient had calcium deposition in left arty of heart. This arty was unsuitable for graft through by-pass surgery which had its own risks.
Hence Dr Ali and Dr Tiwari decided to perform angioplasty on patient through a recently introduced technique called Orbital Atherectomy which utilises Diamondback 360° orbital atherectomy system (Cardiovascular Systems). Dr Tiwari informed that Orbital atherectomy allows for lesion preparation of severely calcified plaque prior to stent implantation.
With unique mechanism of action incorporating centrifugal forces, a standard 1.25 mm eccentrically mounted and diamond-coated burr orbits bi-directionally to ablate calcified plaque. Lesion preparation with orbital atherectomy allows for modification of calcified plaque to facilitate stent expansion.
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