‘Students to get credits for other activities’
   Date :01-May-2023

Students to get credits


Staff Reporter
“Now students’ participation in any good, social, scientific causes will be treated as the part of curricular activities and they will be given credits for the same,” said Dr Ravindra Kulkarni, Member, Steering Committee-NEP2020 implementation, Maharashtra, while talking to ‘The Hitavada’ on Sunday. He was in Nagpur to attend the workshop on ‘Role of Accreditation in Institutional Building: An NEP 2020 Perspective’ organised jointly by Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra, in association with Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management held at RCOEM.
“Through NEP, education has become more flexible. Students have freedom, scope to earn knowledge through various sources and they would get credits out of it. The education has now become outcome based,” Kulkarni explained.
The students opted science but during the studies they can learn Ancient History, if they develop interest in it.
The students take admissions to the course called as Major one while the course they study during Major is called as Minor ones. There are certain guidelines under which students can get certificates of the Minor courses too if they attend those, explained Kulkarni.