MHT-CET for PCM group starts; PCB from 15th
   Date :10-May-2023

MHT-CET for PCM group starts 
Staff Reporter
Maharashtra State Common Entrance Test (MHT CET 2023) for admissions to first year Engineering, Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Technology courses through the State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra State, Mumbai, began on Tuesday. It is for the students who have opted Physics Chemistry Mathematics (PCM) group. It will conclude on May 14. The examination for Physics Chemistry Biology (PCB) Group will be held between May 15, 2023 and May 20, 2023. The admit cards of MHT CET 2023 (PCM Group) have been made available to the candidates which they can download from the course website.
According to the official guidelines, the date of examination, time of examination, and address of examination centre given on the admit card should be read carefully; the students are advised to make proper arrangements to reach the examination centre well before the closing time of the main gate of the examination centre mentioned on the admit card; candidates must carry the admit cards at the time of the examination; they should also carry the document of identification such as PAN Card, Aadhaar Card, or Passport; persons with Disability (PWD) candidates must carry original certificate of their disability. The instructions on the admit card should be read thoroughly and followed scrupulously. The Admit Card of MHT CET 2023 (PCB Group) will be made available tothe candidates from May 10, 2023. This time, a record number of students have registered for MHT-CET. It had the highest enrollment of students for the MHT-CET examination.
As per the examination pattern, the MHT CET 2023 examination will be held for 180 minutes. There will be 150 multiple choice questions for a total of 200 marks; and there will be no negative marking for the wrong attempts. The examinations will be conducted in two shifts- from 9 am to 12 noon and the second between 2 pm and 5 pm. Candidates must know that the carrying MHT CET admit card 2023 is mandatory at the examination centre, without which entry will not be granted. According to experts, today’s Physics was moderate, Chemistry was easy while students found Mathematics, a bit moderate but lengthy.