RCOEM students triumph at L&T EduTech National Talent Festival
   Date :10-Jun-2023

Business Bureau
Students of Mechanical Engineering from Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management (RCOEM) have emerged victorious at the National Talent Festival 2023, organised by L&T EduTech. The team has clinched 2nd runner-up position in the grand finale of highly competitive event held recently at L&T headquarters in Chennai.
Among the 450 participating teams from across the country, the team of 5 students, Mayank Kumar, Adarsh Mishra, Ayush Namdev, Ayush Rathi, and Shadan Khan, accompanied by their mentor Dr Sandeep Joshi, excelled in the competition.
The students expressed their gratitude towards the college for providing unwavering support both morally and financially to the project. The Principal of the college Dr Rajesh Pande and Head of Mechanical Engineering Department Dr Vishal Shukla congratulated the students for their achievement in the prestigious event.