Yoga performed at Madhya Pradesh Bhavan, Madhyanchal
   Date :22-Jun-2023

Yoga performed at Madhya Pradesh 
Staff Reporter
On the occasion of the 9th International Yoga Day, mass yoga exercises were conducted at Madhya Pradesh Bhavan and Madhyanchal in New Delhi. On the theme of Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, this yoga exercise was conducted by yoga instructors. Resident Commissioner Pankaj Rag, Additional Resident Commissioner Prakash Unhale and other officers and employees of Madhya Pradesh government participated in the programme. Live telecast of ‘National Yoga Programme’ organised in Jabalpur was seen before the yoga practice. The participants watched the addresses of Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar, Governor Mangubhai Patel and Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan and special video message of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Medical Education Minister Sarang performs yoga with citizens: Yoga is not a religious process but a very important dimension of our health and physical and mental progress. It is an integral part of our culture and philosophy. Medical Education Minister Vishwas Kailash Sarang participated in the mass yoga program organised at Narela Assembly on World Yoga Day. He practised various yoga postures including Pranayama and Surya Namaskar with the citizens. A large number of residents including local public representatives, eminent citizens participated in the mass yoga programme. Minister Sarang said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given Yoga a new identity on the world stage.
Today, the whole world is celebrating World Yoga Day with the inspiration of Prime Minister Modi. Yoga is that dimension of our culture and philosophy which has provided a medium to every person to stay mentally and physically healthy. With the help of yoga, a person gets a feeling of mental and spiritual peace along with a healthy body. He said that on the initiative of Prime Minister Modi, positive energy has been spread in the whole world through yoga. As a result of his able leadership, today the whole world has accepted this ancient style of India, which is a symbol of credibility of Indian thoughts and philosophy in the world.