By Sagar Mohod
Multi-modal International Hub Airport of Nagpur (MIHAN) that is tasked with ambitious industrial development project in the fringes of city is now eyeing a tourism park in its vicinity. As per details, the company is eyeing part of land in adjoining Special Economic Zone (SEZ) for development of greenery in a bid to provide a tourist attraction. For the same, MIHAN has finalised a project consultancy firm to conduct feasibility study, seeking idea on how to go about executing the project, to get contours of the tourism project, estimate of cost and most importantly the land component.
The project is still in primary stages, stated officials of MIHAN not wishing to be quoted and added that right now they are only exploring the idea and no concrete proposal is on the table. But the idea of Tourism Park in SEZ area itself is quite ambitious, said few industrialists in the region. Admitted the MIHAN officials, the moot question that the consultant needs to be address is whether Tourism Park can be created in SEZ area. The concept of SEZ is meant exclusively for industries that too with mandate for exports. The industries houses in SEZ area are entailed to various concessions and hence the concept of diverting the prime land for green project is debatable. The officials of MIHAN agreed and said hence the consultant is appointed to offer various options, plans and idea and also to explore rules, laws and submit the report. Only after receipt of Consultant's report further action can be taken, the officials added further.
As per information, basically MIHAN is tempted by location of SEZ in proximity to the Dr Babasaheb International Airport at Sonegaon and hence wants to foray into lucrative tourism sector. Also within MIHAN the industrial base is rising slowly and steadily. The growth has been fast in Information Technology industry segment that in turn means more number of persons are going to fly in from abroad in view of collaborative nature of work. In this light the idea about a Tourism Park and other ancillary activities were discussed by officials and for getting the broad idea the Consultant appointment was done.
A total of 4,354 Ha was acquired from farmers and land owners for MIHAN project whose one component is SEZ whose spread is around 1238 Ha. About 1364 Ha is reserved for international airport whose expansion project is in limbo. Therefore out of SEZ's land share how much would be required for Tourism Park is being explored. In case the Consultant provides a favorable report for the park, State Government will have to seek nod from Central Government for diversion of land for non-industry purposes. Further entry and exit in SEZ area is restricted so will a Tourism Park be feasible under such conditions is the moot question. Besides MIHAN another pet project Dahegaon Lake Beautification and development of water sports facilities has not find any takers as investors seems to be doubtful about the returns. The first call for Expression for Interest (EoI) did not invoke any response so MIHAN has gone for second call in a bid to attract investment. Giving broader idea of the project, one of the official mentioned that they are keen to create tourist circuit as number of international flyers to city has increased in recent past.
The city already boasts of several tourism attraction but water sports could be a major business and same would also generate jobs. As to no takers for first call, the official said they realised some shortcoming remained in first EoI and hence have rectified the same and refloated the tender. "We are hopeful of putting in place infrastructure necessary to cater to tourists", said the official. In recent past numerous housing schemes have also come-up in MIHAN area. So in near future the in-house dwellers might themselves be customers for the recreational facility planned in the vicinity.