Govt sanctions CDCPR for MIDC notified areas

12 Jul 2023 07:58:26

Business Bureau
Paying heed to long-pending demands of industry, the Maharashtra Government recently sanctioned the much awaited Comprehensive Development Control and Promotion Regulations (CDCPR) for Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) notified areas. It seems that the policy makers have addressed the concerns of entrepreneurs as it has relaxed rules for floor space index (FSI), given concession in stamp duty and made various provisions for industrial and residential use of land in the industrial areas. The 266-page document notified by the Government also offers water supply to the industry at reasonable rates, along with other industry-favourable measures.
Commenting on the regulations, industrial consultant and Chairman of Vidarbha Chapter of COSIA, Julfesh Shah said that the Government has come out with well-defined rules for the industry. “It seems that the Government has covered most of the issues of the entrepreneurs. It has made attempts to boost industrial growth in all parts of the State,” he said. The policy makers have increased FSI under various categories. Besides, they have also considered concessions in stamp duty in certain cases. With the new DCR in place, strategically located places like Nagpur may also see the setting up of Integrated Logistics Parks (ILP). The logistics services like -- cargo aggregation and segregation, sorting, grading and packaging, etc. are likely to flourish in the region as the Government has incorporated various measures in the new document.
Logistic parks may now also come up on private industrial land with the permission of MIDC. For this, the minimum requirement of land will be 5 acres land and 15 meter wide approach road. Shah said that such specific rules were missing in the previous rules brought in by the Government in 2009. In addition, the inclusion of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana for economically weaker sections of the society to buy households in industrial areas will also give a sigh of relief to many. MIDC will give a detailed presentation on the new policy document on July 12 here at Hotel Centre Point, Ramdaspeth in presence of State Industries Minister Uday Samant. Senior officers of MIDC, representatives of various trade and industry bodies and others will also attend the present.
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