SACKED Rajasthan Minister Rajendra Gudha on Monday was suspended from the State Assembly for “unruly behaviour” after ugly scenes were witnessed in the House when he raised the issue of a ‘Red Diary’, claiming it held details of irregular financial transactions. BJP MLA Madan Dilawar too was suspended for the remainder of the Assembly. Earlier, Gudha was pushed and shoved by Congress MLAs after he created ruckus over the ‘Red Diary’, demanding that he be allowed to make a statement. Opposition BJP MLAs too created an uproar and stormed the well of the House over the issue. The sacked Minister claimed that the diary was “secured” by him during an Income Tax raid at the residence of RTDC chairman Dharmendra Rathore. He alleged that CM Ashok Gehlot had asked him to go to Rathore’s residence to secure the diary during the raid. Gudha claimed that the diary, allegedly written by Rathore, held details of the money given to MLAs and it has the names of Ashok Gehlot as well as his son Vaibhav Gehlot.
Parliament Affairs Minister Shanti Dhariwal moved a proposal to suspend Gudha and Dilawar for the remainder of the Session for their “unruly behaviour” and it was passed by the House. Dhariwal, in the proposal, sad Gudha tried to manhandle him and a “big incident” could have happened had the marshals not come for his rescue. He said the behaviour of Gudha was “very shameful and unparliamentary”. For Dilawar, Dhariwal said, he had advanced towards him and had a plan to attack him.
Earlier in the morning, when Gudha entered the House, he reached near the chair of Speaker C P Joshi and waved the red-coloured diary, demanding he should be allowed to make a statement. Speaker Joshi strongly objected to the Gudha’s behaviour and repeatedly asked him to meet him in his chamber. Meanwhile, BJP MLAs created an uproar and waved “symbolic” red diaries. As Parliamentary Affairs Minister Dhariwal stoop up to make a statement, Gudha aggressively rushed towards him and hit his microphone. Congress MLA Rafiq Khan immediately pushed Gudha while Minister Ramlal Jat and other Congress MLAs also came forward and surrounded Gudha. They were seen pushing and shoving him. As the unruly scenes continued, the Speaker ordered the marshals to take Gudha out of the House. He then adjourned the House. The House reassembled at 2 pm and Speaker Joshi took up the listed business. The Opposition members again created uproar and came into the well of the House. However, Gudha was not present in the House this time. The House passed the Kota Development Authority Bill, 2023, Udaipur Development Authority Bill 2023, Gandhi Vatika Trust Jaipur Bill and the Rajasthan Platform Based Gig Workers (Registration and Welfare) Bill, 2023 amid din.