panel to probe into death of nursing student
   Date :08-Jul-2023

panel to probe into death 
Staff Reporter
Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) has formed a 3-member committee to conduct an inquiry into the death of a student of BSc Nursing of the Nursing College affiliated to GMCH. On the night of July 5, 2023, an 18-year-old girl Sheetal Rajkumar from Jammu and Kashmir passed away. Meanwhile, her two colleagues, who also were admitted, are recovering. Dr Raj Gajbhiye, Dean of GMCH formed a three-member panel to investigate the matter and to know the exact cause of the death of the student. The committee has been asked to submit a report within three days. The panel consists of Nursing College Principal Jyoti Ghaiwat, Head of PSM Department Dr Subhash Thakre and Physiology Department Head Dr Bharshankar.
While talking to ‘The Hitavada’, Jyoti Ghaiwat said, “These girls had gone out and ate something. Maybe because of the food they had outside, Sheetal felt uneasy. She suffered from vomiting and loose motions. When we came to know, I immediately asked our coordinator and teachers to visit her. They went and asked her to get herself checked out but she did not listen. Meanwhile, we informed Dr Gajbhiye who instructed us to take care of her. The next day, I visited her and asked her to see a doctor. On July 5, her condition started deteriorating and she was admitted to ICU. On the same night, unfortunately, she breathed her last.”
Sheetal’s two colleagues, Prabhdeep Kaur and Fatima Ali, both from the same state too, had accompanied Sheetal that evening. They showed symptoms yesterday, so Nursing administration admitted them to ICU. Fortunately, both have recovered and doing well. Dr Raj Gajbhiye, Dean, GMCH expressed, grief over the incident and said that the truth would come out after the forensic report.