Staff Reporter :
Panagar police have succeeded in apprehending the three looters within 48-hours of loot incident and retrieved looted cash of Rs 40,000 and a vehicle used for loot from them. The arrested have been identified as Vinayak Bhura Rajak (20), Shivam Rakesh Gontia (19) and Shivam Rajkumar Kol (21), residents of Panagar.
According to Panagar police, late night on August 13, a man named Ahmed Ali (30), a resident of Omti area lodged a complaint that he is working at scrap godown of Imtiyaz Ali, resident of Chhoti Omti while Shameem Ansari and Mohammed Saleem also worked him. On August 13, he along with Shameem and Saleem they returned from Budhagar and on the way towards Jabalpur after closing the shop.
They were passing through Banjari Mata mandir where two boys riding on a motorcycle and two boys riding on Activa scooter arrived from Budhagar side and one of them kicked his activa and he along with Smameem and Saleem fell down on the road. Before he learnt their intentions, miscreants attacked them with canes and punching. One of them started searching their pockets and took out cash of his shop Rs 40,000 from his pocket and they escaped towards Panagar.
Acting on the complaint, Panagar police registered a case under Section 394 of IPC.
The Police team led by SHO, Ajay Bahadur Singh received information about sighting of suspected boys near Devri Railway Station. Acting promptly on the information, the police team started a search and succeeded in apprehending the accused when they were trying to escape from the area through train. On their identification, police have retrieved the looted cash of Rs 40,000 and an activa scooter used during loot incident.
Looters were apprehended with active working of the police team led by SHO, Ajay Bahadur Singh comprised of
SI, Umlesh Tiwari, ASI,
Kailash Mishra, Ravi Singh Parihar, Head Constables, Rammilan Rajak, Vinod Sharma and Constable, Brahmadatt Tiwari.