Bank pensioners demand implementation of pension updation at the earliest

04 Sep 2023 11:38:48

Bank pensioners 
Business Bureau
The Association of Retired Indian Overseas Bank’s (IOB’s) Employees (ARISE) members under the leadership of D S Mishra, Assistant General Secretary, Nagpur Region of Association of Retired Indian Overseas Bank’s (IOB’s) Employees (ARISE) organised a meeting on ‘Pension Updation’ at the guest house of Central Bank of India Officers Association, Kotwal Nagar on Sunday. The chief guest, K B G Tilak, Deputy General Secretary of All India Bank Pensioners and Retirees Confederation (AIBPARC) addressed the members of ARISE and demanded that the bank pensioners must be granted dearness relief on pension, and increased from time to time. Pension updation should be implemented at the earliest by the IBA.
Tilak informed the gathering that the long pending demand of 100 per cent DA neutralisation to the pre-November 2002 bank pensioners was clinched on July 28, 2023. This was due to the consistent efforts of AIBPARC President K V Acharya and his team who met the Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman at her office in New Delhi on June 19, 2023. Tilak also dealt in detail on pension updation which has not taken place for the last 28 years since the introduction of Pension Regulations in Banks in 1995. He informed that as of now, Banks Pension Fund has crossed a whopping Rs 3.20 lakh crore, which is more than adequate to meet the ongoing demand of bank pensioners including State Bank of India (SBI) with effect from March 1, 2019 as done in the case of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) pensioners.
He was confident that the relentless efforts of leaders of AIBPARC with Ministry of Finance, Government of India and Indian Banks Association (IBA) would clinch this major issue of retired bank employees in the near future. B N Walde, R M Sirsikar, K S Kumbhare, Amruta Mangam, R D Deo, R M Tanksale, D S Sambre worked hard to make the programme successful. While, Bhaskar Walde proposed a vote of thanks.
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