A day after the BJP’s Jan Ashirwad Yatra was attacked in Neemuch district, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan pointed fingers at the Congress and said “it will not succeed with such tactics”. State Home Minister Narottam Mishra said seven persons have been booked in connection with incident and claimed the attackers were associated with the opposition Congress. The Congress was shocked to see the public support the BJP was getting during the ‘Jan Ashirwad Yatra’, being taken out ahead of the forthcoming state assembly polls, CM Chouhan told reporters at Indore's Devi Ahilyabai Holkar Airport on Wednesday. “Kamal Nath was already talking about stones and his statement raises many doubts,” he said, without elaborating on Nath's alleged comments. Chouhan said instructions have been given to investigate the stone-pelting on the ‘Jan Ashirwad Yatra’ on Tuesday night and action will be taken against those behind the incident.
“...But I just want to tell the Congress that it will not succeed with such tactics. Whatever they (Congress leaders) do, the BJP will win the upcoming assembly elections with an overwhelming majority,” Chouhan said. He said that the politics in the state has always been dignified and the Congress should not resort to low-level tactics. On the Bharat versus India controversy over the country’s name, Chouhan said the country’s name is already Bharat and it will always remain Bharat. Talking to reporters in Rewa, Home Minister Mishra claimed state Congress chief Kamal Nath had said that stone-pelting like in Manipur could happen in MP too. Also, Congress Rajya Sabha member Digvijaya Singh had given the example of Nuh (Haryana) violence, saying it may repeat in MP, Mishra said. “They were inciting people. An FIR has been registered in the Neemuch stone-pelting (incident) against seven persons, including Khema Gurjar, who are associated with the Congress. The Congress will resort to such tactics out of its frustration,” Mishra claimed.
The minister further said that the Congress has done this earlier too, but people of the state should understand. The Jan Ashirwad Yatra (March for People’s Blessings) from Neemuch was launched by Defence Minister and senior BJP leader Rajnath Singh on Monday. Alarmed by the massive public support for the yatra ahead of the assembly polls, Congress supporters attacked the march in Neemuch district and vandalised vehicles, state BJP president V D Sharma alleged on Tuesday night. “I strongly criticise this act of the Congress and we will not spare these goons. Strict legal action will be taken against them,” he said. Sharma alleged vandals hid behind trees and attacked the yatra and broke the vehicles which were part of the convoy in a systematic manner. The main vehicle (rath) of the yatra along with other vehicles which were part of the convoy were attacked, claimed the BJP leader. The opposition Congress has side-stepped the BJP’s allegations and said the attack reflected people's anger against the ruling party and the government headed by CM Chouhan. State Congress Media Department chairman K K Mishra on Tuesday said angry people have started giving their blessings to the Jan Ashirwad Yatra. “VD Sharma is venting out his personal frustration on the Congress. Such reaction from members of the public is coming due to the BJP's own sin. The CM recently distributed shoes to people, who are now returning them with love,” Mishra quipped. The BJP has launched the mass outreach programme from five different locations in the state to connect with voters ahead of the year-end assembly polls.