AHEAD of the Ram Lalla Pran Pratishtha ceremony in Ayodhya, the whole temple town is being decorated with Tretayug theme. The Surya pillars installed on the side of the religious path represent the symbol of Lord Rama being a Suryavanshi. The walls being built on the roadsides of Dharma Path on which incidents from the Ramayana period are being depicted, is being decorated with terracotta fine clay mural artefacts which will remind Ram devotees of Tretayug. Treta Yug in Hinduism is the second best of the four yugas. As per the Hindu Mythology, there were three Avatars of Vishnu that were seen the fifth, sixth and seventh incarnations as Vamana, Parashurama and Rama, respectively and as per the Hindu belief, the events of the Ramayana took place in Treta Yug.
The Maharishi Valmiki International Airport, built at a cost of Rs 1462.97 crore, also echos the splendour of Ayodhya’s Treta Yuga heritage. The architecture and design of the airport are quite unique. It is entirely inspired by the life of Lord Rama and developed based on the ‘Nagara Style’. It has 7 peaks (Shikhar), of which one main peak is in the middle and there are 3 peaks in front and 3 at the back, as per an official press release. The main building of the airport features seven pillars, each intricately representing the significant episodes of the Ramayana.