Neurolinguistic &Hormonal Dimensions Of Mantra Chanting

28 Jan 2024 08:01:03

A Mantra isasacred syllable, sound or a phrase with mystical and spiritual significance. Every religion of the world has traditions of Mantra chanting to derive physical, mental and spiritual benefits. In Indian tradition a very elaborate system known as Mantra Yoga has emerged over centuries. There are four types of Mantra chanting. The first is Vaikhari. This methodology involves verbal utterance of the Mantra. So it is audible. The second is Upanshu. In this type of Mantra practice only tongue has movement and the chanting is not audible outside. The third is Manasika. It is an advanced stage of Mantra practice. The Mantra is recited mentally. There is no movement of the tongue also. The fourth is Ajapa. It is a mysterious stage of Mantra practice where there is an automatic chanting of the Mantra. It is spontaneous and round the clock without any effort. Chanting of a Mantra produces sound waves. Since every Mantra has a rhythm, so soothing and musical sound is produced. Sound is an energy. So it has an impact upon the body and mind of the practitioners. The recitation of a Mantra produces lots of humming effects.
Humming generates vibration in the nasal passages. Nasal passages or sinuses contain nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a hormone which relaxes the muscles. The relaxation of muscles has a very positive impact on the psychophysical mechanism of the human body. Hence after Mantra chanting one feels elevated and blissful. In addition to the relaxed muscles due to the release of nitric oxide in the sinuses, musical sound relaxes our brain also. In the Indian tradition major Mantras are in Sanskrit language. One of the dominant features of Sanskrit language is the abundance of nasal sounds likenand m. Hence Sanskrit Mantras produce the maximum degree of humming in the nasal passages resulting in the release of nitric oxide, the vasodilator. Thus, chanting of Sanskrit Mantras produces great vasal relaxation. Mantra chanting hasagreat neuro linguistic impact also. According to neurolinguistic programming, the brain registers the different sensations sent by our sensory organs. These sensory communications are linguistic or non verbal. These registered communications in our neurons shape our behaviour.
The sensations of the outer world are filtered by the brain as per its conditioning. This is the reason that the same happening is interpreted differently and registered differently in the brain by different individuals. NLP trains individuals to practise positive attitudes so that neurons register the sensations in the same way and the required positivity is generated in the behaviour. So NLP is a methodology as well as a tool to make our brain think in a positive manner. When we examine Mantras in the light of NLP, we find that the meaning of a Mantra is very positive. So it registers positive information in the neural passes of the brain. Secondly, almost all the Mantras are the benediction to the divine. Hence,asense of respect, surrender, service, purity, hopefulness etc are profusely woven in the texture of a Mantra. So Mantra chanting produces the positive impact in the brain. Thus,chanting of a Mantra has neurolinguistic and hormonal benefits to the practitioner. 
(The writer is Former DG Police & CG, Homeguards, Maharashtra) 
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