Giant Vs Gentle
   Date :04-Jan-2024

Goals In Gaza War 
RECENTLY my younger sister Rakhi developed a peculiar kind of headache. This type of pain was never experienced by her earlier. We became very tense. She too was looking worried. We all started thinking the best that could be done. Well, I always wondered, when our body is made up of trillions of cells, aggregation of these similar cells form the tissues and then tissues form organs then, why do we discriminate among them? Why is it that some organs are given more importance than others? Organs like heart, head[brain], stomach are given more importance than other organs like kidney, liver, bones, muscles etc. These are the same as ignored employees, family members, friends and some students in the class. Who started this discrimination between all these? So, since it was her head, we took the issue to heart and contacted a renowned Doctor Dr.Singh who suggested getting the MRI done and then showing the report to the neurologist. When our pains are serious, our movements for treatment become swift. We as obedient ones followed every instruction very honestly and sincerely. We went to the imaging center to get an MRI done. This was our first encounter with this giant testing machine, meant for MRI. We saw a very spacious room, completely chilled and exactly in the center was this huge machine.
It was a bit scary but I masked my expression under a confident smile. My sister is very timid; she is scared about every small thing. She asked me to be with her while this procedure takes place. I promised, and sat on the chair kept in the extreme corner of the same room. I was also given cotton plugs to close my ears. For me all this was very strange, the attendant said, you put these ear plugs in because this machine will be producing some loud, irritating sounds. Just a test and so many adventures! We didn’t have any other option but to get it done. I told the receptionist that I am the school teacher of your radiologist’s sons. Getting an MRI done is a lengthy process, it was about 35 minutes. I was amused and amazed with the whole process. I was continuously chanting ‘Hanuman Chalisa’ to get strength. We were handed over the report quickly, and now we went to show it to a neurologist. We were asked to show it to Dr. Kabra. We sat on the bench in front of his OPD. We humans think so much before meeting any unknown person. In just a few minutes we were sent inside. A small cozy room and we saw the doctor with a gentle smile to welcome us. It is so important for a doctor to have such a positive outlook. I sat on the chair, and my sister on the examination table. He stood up and started his formal conversation with the patient to know about the sickness and with me too. He is a tall, sober, smart person with a very soft and subtle tone.
His way of conversing was so good that I haven’t seen anyone with all these qualities earlier. Soon, we realised we have so many common friends. I was amazed, the world is really so small. We spoke about our common connections also. He then said, I would like to show this report to our radiologist once. He himself went to another floor of the hospital and returned with a very genuine and positive smile, which was indicating that nothing is much serious about my sister. Oh! What a sigh of relief. His words, his conduct, his gentle gestures are out of this world. Then he wrote a few medicines, and called his attendant and said something. He came along with us to the fee counter. We were returned all the fees we paid, me and my sister were in a state of a pleasant shock. We asked, why so? To which he said, the doctor has told to do so. We both kept on discussing so much about Dr. Kabra, after a long time I might have met a person whose impression is unforgettable. I never believed it before. First impression is the last impression, but people like him are exceptional, exemplar. It is because of such marvelous persons, we still believe in almighty, goodness, humanity and service to man is service to God. Thank you so much Dr. Dinesh Kabra.