THE Enforcement Directorate on Friday searched the premises of a company owned by MLA Rohit Pawar, the grand nephew of Rajya Sabha MP Sharad Pawar, and its linked entities as part of a probe into the alleged Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank scam, official sources said. At least six locations in Baramati, Pune, Pimpri and Aurangabad are being searched, they said. The office of Baramati Agro in Baramati town is also being covered. Rohit Pawar (38) is a first-time MLA from the Karjat-Jamkhed seat in Maharashtra and is the owner and CEO of Baramati Agro. He belongs to the Sharad Pawar faction of the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP). Rohit Pawar is the nephew of Baramati MP Supriya Sule and Ajit Pawar -- the State’s Deputy Chief Minister and Baramati MLA. The Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank money laundering case stems from an August 2019 FIR of the Mumbai Police’s Economic Offences Wing.
The Nationalist Congress Party (Sharad Pawar Group), reacting to the raids, said Rohit Pawar’s just concluded ‘Yuva Sangharsh Yatra’ has “hit a nerve” and made the BJP insecure, The MLA, currently abroad on a family vacation, had undertaken a foot march from Pune to Nagpur late last year to highlight the issues faced by youngsters in Maharashtra. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) probe against his firm pertains to allegations of “diversion” of funds and deposit of earnest funds of a company that bid for the purchase of a Maharashtra-based ailing cooperative sugar factory, the sources said. BJP leader Kirit Somaiya demanded an expeditious probe into the acquisition of a cooperative sugar factory by Baramati Agro. The former MP said in a post on X, “We requested the ED to investigate the acquisition of Kannad cooperative sugar factory by Rohit Pawar’s Baramati Agro at a very much under-valued price of Rs 50 crore through manipulated auction of Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank.” The police complaint came after Bombay High Court issued an order on August 22, 2019, to investigate the allegations of selling sugar factories in the Maharashtra cooperative sector through alleged fraudulent means and also that they were sold at throwaway prices.
ED’s action will not deter Rohit: Sharad-led NCP: THE Nationalist Congress Party (Sharad Pawar group) on Friday said its MLA Rohit Pawar’s just concluded “Yuva Sangharsh Yatra” has “hit a nerve” and made the BJP insecure, remarks coming after the Enforcement Directorate (ED) searched premises of a firm owned by him. Reacting to the ED action, NCP (Sharad Pawar group) national spokesperson Clyde Crasto said the central agency’s searches will not deter Rohit Pawar, a first-time MLA from Karjat-Jamkhed in Ahmednagar district, or stop him in his tracks. “He will come out stronger. It is clear that the Sangharsh Yatra has hit a nerve and made the BJP insecure,” Crasto claimed.
The NCP spokesperson said justice system is supreme and the truth will ultimately prevail. Rohit Pawar, currently abroad on a family vacation, had taken out the foot march from Pune to Nagpur late last year to highlight the issues faced by youths in Maharashtra. BJP leader Kirit Somaiya demanded expeditious probe into the acquisition of a cooperative sugar factory by Baramati Agro. The former MP wrote on social media platform X, “We requested ED to investigate acquisition of Kannad cooperative sugar factory by Rohit Pawar’s Baramati Agro at very much under valued price of Rs 50 cr through manipulated auction of Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank.” “I once again request all investigative agencies to expedite investigation against Rohit Pawar and Baramati Agro,” Somaiya said. The Kannad sugar cooperative unit was worth hundreds of crores, but it was acquired by Baramati Agro for just Rs 50 crore, he said.