New Traffic Management System on Wardha Road
   Date :01-Oct-2024

New Traffic Management System
By Chetan Marwah :
Dear Sir, I am sharing my views on the new traffic management system on Wardha Road and I would just like to ask a question - Are we still living in the era of monarchy or dictatorship? Should the opinion of thousands of daily commuters be heard and considered, or just a handful of influential should be given priority!? I myself am quite concerned about the current traffic issues in the city I love the most, Nagpur, but I can hardly contribute to resolving it, perhaps because I am just a non-influential, law abiding aam aadmi.
I myself have experienced the ease on Wardha Road due to the experimental traffic management system by the Traffic Department. It was so convenient and time-saving. I really wonder how can someone, for their very personal self-interest, object to such changes which are suggested for the benefit of the society? And, how can such people pressurise the system? In my opinion, wastage of electricity, water and fuel is loss of national property and if some arrangements are proposed to save electricity (used for EV charging) and fuel, the opponents are contributing to this national loss.
Apart from this, saving time, hassle-free transportation, prevention of accidents and saving lives should be given top priority! Sir, it’s rightly said that ‘Change is always opposed in the beginning.’ The New Traffic Management System on Wardha Road should be implemented in the interest of the civilians and the system should not bow down in front of so-called influential people. With best wishes.