Business Reporter :
IN A surprising trend, buyers
in Orange City are showing
great interest in exotic fruits
from around the globe. Even
asdomesticfruitsare available
in abundance, at reasonable
prices, buyers are not shying
away from paying extra for
kiwis fromNew Zealand, green
grapes from the US, blueberries from Peru, mangosteen
mini oranges from Australia,
and avocados from Tanzania.
Additionally, mangoes from
Nepal and red grapes from
to local markets as
their demand is rapidly picking up here.
Some of the fruit vendors in
markets including Dhantoli,
Dharampeth, Mangalwari,
Gokulpeth, Jaripatka and
that approximately 30-40 percent of their total sales come
Shahu,alocalfruitseller,attributes this shift to the increased
buying power of citizens, who
are willing to pay a premium
for high-quality fruits.
“Domestic fruits like
bananas, guavas, and pomegranates continue to be sold,
but they’re no longer the only
options. The demand for
imported varieties has gone
up. People love eating these
fruits throughoutthe year.The
influxofforeignfruitshastransformedthelocalmarket,catering to the evolving tastes and
preferences of the local consumers,” he added.
Another vendor said he is
kiwis, dragon fruits, and mangosteen. “My customers are
payingmeRs1000-1200perkgto buy mangosteen,” he said.
It is important to note thatmost ofthe imported varietiesof these fruits come in attractive packs. Some of them arenicely packed in transparent
plasticboxeswhileothershaveshiny coatings on them.
On Sunday, kiwis from NewZealand were sold at a price of
Rs 180-250 per box of3pieces;
green grapes (without seeds)from the US at Rs 800 per kg;
blueberries from Peru at Rs300-320 per box of 125 gms;
mangosteen at Rs 1000-1200per kg; dragon fruitfromThailandatRs80-100perpiece; mini oranges fromAustralia at Rs 360-400 perdozen;avocadosfromTanzaniaat Rs 120-140 per piece; mangoes from Nepal at Rs 400-500per kg; and red grapes fromChile were sold at a price of Rs400-800 per kg. Meanwhile,
bananas, pomegranates,
apples, and custard apples arealsoenjoyingdemandbecauseof the festive season.