Business Reporter :
THE Vidarbha Management
Association (VMA) on Sunday conducted an insightful session on time
management titled ‘Mere Paas Time
Nahi Hai’, at the Chitnavis Centre,
Civil Lines, Nagpur. The keynote
speaker for the session was Pankaj
Jaiswal,owner ofJoycoFurniture and
a certified JCITrainer. During the session, Jaiswal explored the common
causes of ‘busyness’ and how these
preventpeoplefrommaking themost
of their time.
He stressed on the importance of
effective planning and delegation,
especially forleadersinbothbusiness
and familylife.“If you don’thave time
forplanning, thingscan easily gohaywire,”headded,highlightinghowcrucial it is to delegate responsibilities
to save time and enhance productivity. Jaiswal explained that delegation
involves transferring responsibility
and some level of authority from one
person to another while maintaining
He noted that people
often hesitate to delegate because
they finditdifficult, time-consuming,
or believe that no one can perform
the task as well as they can.
To illustrate the benefits of delegation, Jaiswal led an interactive exercise where attendees were asked to
list 10 tasks they had completed the
previous day and then identify those
tasks that could have been delegated
toothers.Thisactivityhelpeddemonstrate how productivity can be
enhanced through effective delegation.
He emphasised the need for clear
communication when delegating
tasks, as well as the importance of
selecting individuals with the right
strengths,interests, skills, and talents.
Jaiswal also stressed the value of providing clear instructions and ensuring that the delegated person is fully
committed and accountable for the
task. At the outset, VMA Member
Veerbhan Kewalramani presented
memento to Speaker Pankaj Jaiswal.
The eventwasmoderatedbyNilesh
Verma, withSunilBajaj serving as the
session in-charge.