Business Reporter :
Jewellers has launched the
Luxury Lifestyle Exhibition of
EKAANI, an exquisite brand
known foritsopulentandartistic home decor.The exhibition
will be held from October 4 to
8, 2024, from 11 am onwards
at ShethComplex,WHC Road,
Dharampeth, Nagpur.
EKAANI is celebrated for its
unique blend of luxury and
design,offering acurateds election of premium products that
adorn homes with sophistication.
Their collection includes
fine tableware, home accents,
anddecorativepieces thatepitomise class and elegance,
appealing to those with a discerning taste forluxurylifestyle
This exhibition provides a
unique opportunity for enthusiasts of high-end decor to
explore and indulge in the
world of EKAANI, along with
Batukbhai Jewellers’latest collections.This exhibition promises to cater to all their luxury
needs. For further details, one
may contact (M: 9309237601)