Meghwal inaugurates orientation, trainingprogramme of new members of ITAT in NADT

06 Oct 2024 10:55:29

Meghwal inaugurates orientation
Business Reporter :
A THREE-DAY orientation and trainingprogramme for thenewmembers of Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT)is beingconducted atNational AcademyofDirectTaxes,Nagpurfrom October 4 to 6. The training programme aims toprovideinputs to the Judicial and Accountant Members of ITAT in various areas such as International Taxation, Transfer Pricing,Accountancy,CompanyLaw, Property Law, Contract Law, Information Technology Law. Arjun Ram Meghwal, Minister of State (IndependentCharge),Ministry ofLawandJusticeandMinisterofState in theMinistryofParliamentaryAffairs inaugurated the training programme on Friday at NADT in the city.
byquoting the exampleof Ms.Moksh Mahajan, in providing justice to numerousentrepreneursof Rajasthan in his earlier career as a Civil Servant. He further said that training is an integralaspectoflife.Heurged thedelegates to make SWAT analysis of the situations they came acrossinlife and based on that drive their actions. He urgedalltoturnchallengesintoopportunities and strength for themselves. He also emphazised on the importanceofreformativeactionratherthan punitiveactions.CVBadang,President, ITAT, Sanjay Bahadur, Principal DirectorGeneral(Training),NewDelhi, P Selvaganesh, Director General, NADT,RKPanda,VicePresident (Pune Zone), ITAT, senior members of ITAT and senior officers from NADT were also present during the inauguration. The National Academy of Direct Taxes,Nagpur(NADT)istheapextraining institute for the Income Tax DepartmentinIndia. NADT conducts several courses for directly recruited IRS officers, newly promoted officers and for middle to senior level officers and international courses.
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