THE Centre on Wednesday
released new guidelines to
regulate misleading advertisements by coaching institutes,
prohibiting false claims like 100
percent selectionor100percent
job security.
Thefinal guidelines,draftedby
the Central Consumer Protection
Authority (CCPA), come in the
wake of several complaints on
The CCPA has issued 54 notices
and imposed penalties of about
Rs 54.60 lakh till date.
“We have seen coaching centres deliberately concealing
information from prospective
students. Therefore, we have
come out with the guidelines to
provide guidance to people
involved in the coaching industry,” Consumer Affairs Secretary
Nidhi Khare told reporters.
The Government is not against
the coaching centres but the
not undermine the consumer
rights, she said. Under the new
guidelines, coaching centres are
prohibited from making false
claims regarding courses offered
andduration;faculty credentials;
fee structure and refund policies; selection rates and exam
rankings; and guaranteed job
security or salary increases.