It’s a trap!

25 Nov 2024 14:44:16
Its a trap
Inane comparison is what kills ideas
No joy will it bring at all.
Strive and pursue your passion,
At last only hard work will pay off.
Concentrate on the learning,
It will take you to the destination.
Recharge yourself with positive thoughts,
No need for apprehension.
Recall your small successes
Feel proud of accomplishments,
Reward yourself with confidence,
Meet targets, celebrate achievements.
All of us are born unique,
We all ought to have purpose in life
Just as every finger is different
We are different and unique, alright.
A toxic society will keep pulling you back
But never get distracted.
What we cannot control
Should not make us disappointed.
Comparisons can be positive or negative,
Understanding them is a feat
But a little truth, my friend, is that
Contentment is a myth.
Vaishnavi Purohit
Dr Babasaheb Ambekar
College of Law
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