BMA and District Administration organisevoter awareness programme in Butibori
   Date :06-Nov-2024

BMA and District Administration
■ Business Reporter :
THE Butibori Manufacturers Association (BMA) in coordination withNagpurDistrictAdministration, arranged a voter awareness programme at Shri MK GOELAuditorium on Tuesday. VinayakMahamuni,ZillaParishad CEO; Shivkumar Muddemwar, GeneralManager, DistrictIndustries Centre; Manohar Pote, Regional Officer, Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) and Varsha Gaurkar were the chief guests. The dignitaries informed the factory owners and factory workers present on the occasion about the upcoming State Assembly election dates and procedure to find out the voting details of each voter. Vinayak Mahamuni said the factory owners and the factory managers should ensure that all the staff working in their factory cast their votes.Also, all factoryworkersshould ensure that their personal family members should also exercise their right to vote.
The voter awareness programmewasorganisedunder the leadership of Dr Kishor Malviya, President of BMA, Pradeep Khandelwal, patron BMA, Shashi Agarwal, Secretary, and Abhijeet Mandavgan, Treasurer. Programme was attended bymore than hundred representatives of Butibori industries. Representatives committed thatmaximumandrecord voting will be ensured in the area. Pradeep Khandelwal pointed out that he has takenmeasures to ensure maximum voting from his residential area and put in efforts to ensure maximum voting from Butibori industrial area. BMA ECmembersHiteshAgrawal, SaurabhAgrawal,RuchirGupta,Ravi Agrawal, Ishaan Goel, Debashish Sharma, Jeevan Ghime, Prashant Meshram, Ajay Gupta, and Manish Gupta also attended the event