Meditrina becomes firstpaperless hospital in Vid

17 Dec 2024 12:37:18

Meditrina becomes
■ Business Reporter :
WITH the goal of reducing use of paper, Dr Sameer Paltewar, a renownedneurologist,hasdecided to make his hospital - Meditrina Institute of Medical Sciences -completelypaperless. The institute led by team of doctors including Dr Sameer Paltewar, Dr Arpan Pandey and Amruta Sharma is the first hospitalinVidarbha tolaunchpaperless system. Presco,amobile app developed by three youths, is proving beneficial to achieve paperless working.
The appisin use for the past 3 years and more than 600 hospitals are using this app. It is helping in Considering global warming, the Presco app is useful for tree conservation. The paper we use ismadebycuttingdown treesand if the use of paper is reduced, many trees can be saved from being cut down.
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