Staff Reporter :
Vinayak Garg and Deepak Kumar Gupta would be new Divisional Railway Managers in Nagpur. Railway Board issued the posting orders of the officers on Thursday.
Garg is posted to Central Railway’s (CR) Nagpur Division, succeeding Manish Agrawal.
As to Gupta, he will join South East Central Railway’s (SECR) Nagpur Division, replacing
Namita Tripathi.
The transfers are routine as the incumbent DRMs have completed their respective tenures.
Agrawal was posted to CR’s Nagpur Division midway after the then DRM was moved out in the aftermath of employees agitation that resulted in over three-hour lockdown of Operations Control at the Divisional Headquarters.
Tripathi completed her two-year tenure at the Division.
CR’s Nagpur Division is leader in goods loading in Zone owing to presence of coal mines. Besides its Central location on Grand Trunk and Mumbai-Howrah routes makes it an important junction of Indian Railways.
Therefore, the person heading the Division has multiverse role in overseeing meeting loading-earnings target and also ensuring proper running of Mail/Express trains.
On the other hand at SECR, the Division is now eyeing route expansion mode after remaining long under Narrow Gauge route.
It may be noted that Railways is keenly looking for an alternate and shorter route also reach ports in South-Eastern sector of the country from Gadchiroli district.
It has now nearly 700 rail track km and hence the division has one of the busiest rail corridor of the country.
With Railways focussing on rapid expansion of new corridors, the two divisions have their task cut out.