IN A setback to Congress ahead of Lok Sabha polls, former Maharashtra Chief Minister Ashok Chavan resigned from the grand old party on Monday, amid speculation that he may join the BJP. Chavan’s exit from Congress came days after senior Maharashtra Congress leaders Baba Siddique and Milind Deora quit the party. There was no confirmation either from Chavan or the BJP of reports that the 65-year-old leader will be fielded for the upcoming Rajya Sabha elections. Amid the buzz that Chavan will join the BJP, Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis told reporters, Aagey aagey dekho hota hai kya (wait and watch what happens . Chavan said the decision to quit the Congress was a personal one, adding he will announce his next course of action in a day or two. “I have not yet made any decision to join BJP,” he added.
In a letter to State Congress president Nana Patole, Chavan said he was resigning as a primary member of the party. He also submitted his resignation as an MLA to Assembly Speaker Rahul Narwekar. Speaking to reporters, Chavan said, “I am not going to discuss anything happening in the Congress party on a public forum.” Asked if he would join the BJP, Chavan said, “I haven’t taken any decision yet on joining the BJP and don’t know BJP’s working system.”
He also said his decision to quit the Congress is a personal one and he does not want to ascribe any reason to it. Chavan also refuted claims that the white paper tabled in Parliament prompted him to resign from Congress. The white paper has mentioned the Adarsh Building scam, pertaining to a housing society in Mumbai, due to which Chavan had to step down as the Chief Minister of Maharashtra in 2010. There were reports since the last few months that Chavan would be quitting Congress, so the news of his resignation did not come as a total surprise to the State party leaders. “Voters will teach those who deserted them a lesson,” said former CM Prithviraj Chavan.