Govt Homeopathic College mulling to set up medicine manufacturing unit

13 Feb 2024 12:04:54

Govt Homeopathic College  
By Ankita Garg
Government Homeopathic Medical College, Bhopal, is flexing its muscles for manufacturing its own medicine. The college management has proposed Rs 1.5 crores budgetary allocation from Government to start medicine manufacture by Pharmacy Department in a separate building. Once the proposal sees day light, medicines will be sold in other states as well. Pharmacy department has also demanded to purchase required machinery worth Rs 1.5 crores for the same. The proposal includes manufacturing of medicine in college campus by the end of year 20224. A separate building his ready to serve in the campus where the proposed machinery will be installed. The college management has claimed that it has experienced team for medicine manufacture and they want to utilise their skills and experience in this field.
The college officials said that they have started setting up the medicine unit system and resources to start the medicine manufacture unit. Officials have targeted to complete the structure of medicine unit by end of September 2024 and from December onwards, pharmacy department would start manufacturing its own medicine. Officials said that union government will be allocating Rs 10 crores of fund for the same. Dr S K Mishra, Principal of Government Homeopathic Medical College said, “Pharmacy Department is set to manufacture its own medicine and process of purchasing required medicine is on. Building is already constructed for the medicine unit. Medicines manufactured in college will be supplied to hospitals and after that remaining medicines will be sold in neighbouring states. ”
He further informed that initially, team has planned to manufacture the syrups and after few months, tablets will be manufactured. He said, the medicine unit will be service college hospital and also neighbouring states. “This would also help Government to generate revenue with the help of college,” added Dr S K Mishra. At present college purchases medicine from agencies as per Government parameter from Madhya Pradesh and neighbouring states. There are some medicines being imported from various countries. Dr Mishra said that as per requirement and rising number of patients, medicines are not available in the hospital. He said that decision has been taken to manufacture own medicine to meet the requirement and utilise the available skills of experienced faculty. “we aim that patients get all the medicine suggested in prescription in hospital campus,” added Dr Mishra.
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