CRIME AGAINST WOMEN City sees alarming rise of 30%

19 Feb 2024 07:45:04

By Dheeraj Fartode
The city has witnessed a staggering 30 per cent increase in crimes against women over the last three years, according to recent data released by the Nagpur City Police. This disturbing trend paints an alarming picture of rising criminal activities plaguing the city and overshadows the efforts of the police. In 2021, the police recorded a total of 1,122 cases involving crimes against women and domestic violence. The breakdown included 234 cases of rape, 356 cases of molestation, 415 cases of kidnapping, and 117 cases related to dowry and domestic violence. The situation worsened in 2022, with an overall increase in reported cases reaching 1,285. The trend continued into 2023, with a total of 1,467 cases reported.
Comparing the data from 2021 to 2023, there has been a 30.7 per cent rise in reported incidents against women. Rape cases increased by 5.6 per cent, molestation cases surged by 33.4 per cent, and kidnapping cases witnessed a 15.4 per cent increase. Surprisingly, cases of dowry and domestic violence remained constant at 235 cases in 2022 and 2023, despite fluctuations in other crime categories.
A retired police official expressed concern over the rising trend and said, “These numbers are not just statistics, they represent real people who have been victims of heinous crimes. The increase in crimes against women demands
urgent attention and concerted efforts from both police and society as a whole.” He also stressed for the need for proactive measures, stating, “Prevention is key. We must address the root causes, educate the public, and create a culture that condemns violence against women. There is a crucial need for improved support systems for the victims which ensure their safety and well-being.”
Breach of trust within close circles
The data for 2023 further revealed distressing details. Out of the 247 reported rape cases, 75 involved the pretense of marriage, while 55 were attributed to love relationships. A maximum of 115 incidents of rape were committed by relatives or acquaintances, which highlight a breach of trust within close circles. “This is a shame on the face of civilized society,” commented a woman police officer on request of anonimity. She urged parents to play an active role in guiding their children. She stated, “Parents must not only provide facilities but also pay attention to their children's activities and foster open communication. Building a relationship based on trust and guidance is crucial in preventing such incidents in the future,” she stated.
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