MP is home to over 10,000 vultures

25 Feb 2024 09:10:56

Staff Reporter
Bringing cheers to MP Forest Department, officials have estimated highest population of vultures in State consecutively for the second time. The nature cleaning crew are more than 10,000 in numbers around Madhya Pradesh. Recently, three days vulture estimation programme was held in state including all the six tiger reserves and wildlife sanctuaries. In its report, forest department has claimed that the figure of vulture in state is highest in country. In last census held during year 2021, vulture population was 9,446. Van Vihar National Park, Bhopal has rare white rum vulture. The park has more than 100 vultures in its periphery.
Padampriya Balakrishnan, Director Van Vihar said, “we have rich population of vultures. All efforts are being made to conserve the species. White Rum Vulture are also in the park premises. Breeding center is set up at Kerwa dam where experts are rearing the hatched eggs in technical way.” Highest population of vultures in state is found in Panna where more than 900 vultures were estimated. Panna is having rich population of red headed vultures that is also called king of Asia or Pondicherry vulture.
Experts said that vulture is sensitive bird and the species is very shy in behaviour. Their population was declining at faster pace throughout country but now their population has started increasing in state. In year 2016 there were 7029 vultures estimated in Madhya Pradesh while in year 2018 there were 8397 vultures were estimate. Again in year 2020-21, 9446 vultures were spotted and in census 2022-23, over ten thousand vultures have been estimated.
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