Govt may set up Oral Oncology unit in every dental institution in State
   Date :06-Feb-2024

Oral Oncology 
By Vikas Vaidya
Considering rising cases of cancer, with a thought to get the patient the prescribed comprehensive treatment under one roof, Directorate of Medical Education and Research is contemplating to set up Oral Oncology unit in every dental institution in State. Sharing more information about the concept, Dr Vivek Pakhmode, Joint Director, DMER (Dental) told ‘The Hitavada’, “Dental treatment on several occasions leads to diagnosis of oral cancer. The patients are asked to go to pathology, to the medicine, for surgery etc. Doctors in dental institutions do the diagnosis but the patients have to go somewhere to get themselves treated. Our concept of Oral Oncology unit means that all departments concerned will be under one roof---oral surgery, oral pathology, oral medicine, community dentistry. The patients can be treated then and there.” Dr Pakhmode is a son of Nagpur. Coincidentally, all present deans of GDCHs in State are from Nagpur.
Dr Abhay Datarkar is the Dean of GDCH, Nagpur; Dr Wasundhara Bhad and Dr Maya Indurkar heading the institutions at Mumbai and Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar respectively. The under-one-roof facility will lead to get the treatment early resulting in saving patients’ life. This will be a deep intervention of oral cancer. While talking about encouraging research, Dr Pakhmode stated, “DMER is emphasising on holding research. It is ready to provide research funds for the research projects on the lines of Central Government. Long ago, there used to be the Star Research Project under which substantial funding was made. It was not working since long. Now Government is likely to introduce the project with some good changes.” DMER is planning to have a common dashboard where the details of all research projects would be put on display. Anybody can see them.
“We are also working on doing research on new branches. We want impactful public oriented research to be presented by our faculties, students,” expected Dr Pakhmode. “At present, there are 63 Post Graduate seats. We are working on increasing the number to 150. To increase the number, we have to bring more facilities as those will help the society,” stated Dr Pakhmode. Dr Pakhmode was in Nagpur for the DMER- GDCH Dental Education and Research Summit 2024 held at Government Dental College and Hospital (GDCH). He expressed satisfaction over the summit, its successful organisation and its concept. “The kind of interaction held during the summit is today’s necessity. Every year on February 5 such type of summit will be held to mark the occasion of oral health day,” said Dr Pakhmode.