Gusty winds with rainfall forecast in city

28 Apr 2024 09:26:10

Gusty winds with rainfall 
Staff Reporter
Due to simultaneous presence of several active weather systems in different locations, there is a possibility of gusty winds accompanying rainfall in Jabalpur along with other divisions of Madhya Pradesh. Weather in the State will remain the same for next two days. It is estimated that clouds, rain and strong winds will prevail in the State till Sunday due to the influence of a cyclonic circulation and western disturbances. The Weather Department had issued an alert for rain and gusty winds in more than a dozen districts, on Saturday. According to the department, the State is experiencing rainfall due to western disturbance, cyclonic circulation and trough line.
Possibility of rain and thunderstorm exists in the western parts of Madhya Pradesh, including Jabalpur and nearby districts. Spokesman of Weather Department informed that currently, there are nearly six active weather systems, which are influencing conditions of the State. A western disturbance has formed as a cyclonic circulation in upper levels of the atmosphere over Iran and adjacent Afghanistan. This cyclonic circulation is associated with a trough line extending up to the Arabian Sea.
Rajasthan is experiencing an induced cyclonic circulation and there is also a cyclonic circulation in the upper levels of the atmosphere over Marathwada. A trough line extends from the cyclonic circulation to Tamil Nadu. Likewise, there is an anti-cyclonic circulation in the Arabian Sea. These weather systems are causing moisture to flow from the Arabian Sea, resulting in a significant change in the weather conditions. Similar conditions would continue on Sunday also.
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