BJP focuses on streamlining property registration

11 May 2024 10:22:57

BJP focuses
Staff Reporter
With the formation of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Government, a renewed focus has been placed on improving the efficiency of registration offices across Chhattisgarh. Recognising the challenges faced by the public in registering land or property, particularly the prevalence of brokers in the registration process, the government has taken decisive steps to address these issues. State Finance Minister OP Choudhary has issued clear directives to officials, emphasising the need to liberate registration offices from the influence of brokers. It has been observed that both largescale builders and ordinary citizens encounter difficulties in completing registrations without the involvement of brokers. To tackle this issue head-on, Minister Choudhary has instructed officials to develop software for the registration process, enabling individuals to register their land or property without the need to physically visit the registry office.
This initiative aims to streamline the registration process, making it more accessible and transparent for the general public. In response to the Minister’s directives, the Secretary and Inspector General of the Registration Department have swiftly sprung into action. Plans are underway to study successful registration systems implemented in other states, such as Karnataka, where notable progress has been achieved in this area. Preparations are in motion to dispatch a team of officials from the Registration Department of Chhattisgarh to learn from the best practices employed in Karnataka. By leveraging insights gained from these experiences, Chhattisgarh aims to modernize its registration system, enhancing efficiency and reducing reliance on intermediaries.
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