6 poachers arrested for electrocuting tiger

18 May 2024 10:47:44

6 poachers arrested 
Our Correspondent
After toiling for two months, officers of Forest Department, Waraseoni were successful in arresting six poachers accused of killing tiger by electrocution on March 17, 2024. The Team arrested six poachers from village Bodalkasa- and they are Channulala Matre, age 38 years, Ramesh Panjre age 42 years, Rajkumar Harde age 34 years, Basant Pancheshwar, Mahesh Bisen, Lekhchand Bisen. The team recovered from their possession a GI wire (60-70 metres long), bamboo ankle, and a rope (5 metres). The accused were booked under Section 2, 9, 39 Wildlife Protection Act and presented before Court.
It may be recalled that on March 17, body a tiger was found at the bank of Chandan river. Since then forest team raided several places at village Bodalkasa, Tumditola, Sawangi, Khandwa, Kapa and other for arrest of the poachers. The body of tiger was found at the bank of Chandan river at villae Tumditola. The tiger age was between 2-3 years and weight was around 110-120 kg. When body was found it seem that tiger was killed one week before. Forest team spread its network of informers and finally caugh hold of two suspects. On interrogation they confessed of killing the tiger by electrocution. They informed that at village Bodalkasa Mahesh Bisen had encircled his field with GI wire and live current was flown in it.
The field was submerged with water and nearby a monsoon nullah was also flowing. Tiger came to drink water at this nullah and came under impact of current and died. On March 12 in morning Mahesh Bisen saw tiger lying dead in his field. He called Basant, Lekhchand, Mahesh, Ramesh and with their help tied tiger with a rope and dragged it till 200 metre distance. Then they hide the tiger body. On March 15, they came again and took out nails and other body parts of the tiger and divided among themselves. Then they pushed the body of the tiger in the Chandan river where flow of river was high. The body of tiger swept with the flow of water and reached till Tumditola village and was spotted by villagers. Main accused Mahesh Bisen was booked under Section 376 at Rampayli police. SDO BR Sirsam said that remand will be requested for six poachers so as to interrogate them to collect details about the body parts of tigers.
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