CONGRESS leader Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday said the Agniveer scheme will be scrapped and thrown into dustbin if the I.N.D.I.A. bloc comes to power as he slammed Prime Minister Narendra Modi for “turning Hindustan ke jawan into labourers”. In his first election meeting in Haryana for the Lok Sabha polls, the former Congress President also attacked Modi over the issue of farmers. Slamming the BJP Government over the Agniveer scheme, he said, “This is Modi’s scheme and not Army’s scheme, Army does not want it”. “When the I.N.D.I.A. bloc forms Government, we will throw Agniveer scheme into dustbin,” he said at the rally held under the Mahendragarh-Bhiwani Lok Sabha seat.
India’s borders, he said, are secured by the country’s youth and “There is patriotism in DNA of our youth”. “Modi has turned Hindustan ke jawan into labourers,” he alleged. Further attacking the BJP Government, he said, “They say there will be two types of martyrs - one normal jawan and officer, who will get pension, martyr status, all facilities and on the other hand, a person from a poor family who has been named Agniveer. Agniveers will neither get martyr status, no pension, no canteen facility”.