Of human emotions, connections
   Date :13-Jun-2024

Climate Change 
IT WAS a normal day full of routine. I was busy in dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s of one of my medical assignments. The soaring Sun was rather giving a pensive dimension to the day. Suddenly l got a message about a close friend’s new achievement. This new found wave of joy pleasantly surprised me. The happy moment felt like cool breeze in the summer heat. It always happens right? When someone in our vicinity succeeds, be it a kid acing an exam, someone winning a sports competition or someone achieving a superhuman feat, it always feels very special. Infact, I would say, it feels like a very personal achievement. It made me reflect on beauty of human emotions and connections. In today’s world, most of the times human emotions are addressed with negative connotations, to some extent rightly so. But somehow, the goodness of being human seems to have been forgotten in this gamut of negativity. It is good to be human because of the ability to not just think and feel, but also to emote.
The word emotion itself stands for energy in motion. This energy is fuelled by the ability to channelise our thoughts towards goodness. Humans are also built to be connected to other humans. This connect is evident at such occasions where everyone becomes equally happy in someone’s victory. All it takes is just one good thing , one good news, one good deed to re affirm the connection. Today after the good news of our kin’s accomplishment, I could feel the shift of energy from gloom to bloom, or as they call it these days , the vibes became “lit”! It is amazing how someone close to us wins and that in turn heals us, makes our hearts full to the brink. That is precisely why this one felt so special and personal. We often find ourselves in a perplexed situation, where we not only doubt ourselves , but also everything around us. We all have felt like being alone in a room full of people at some point in life. Have you ever thought why? That’s because of the discord we feel with the surroundings. There is no alignment between inner self and surroundings. We do not feel connected. It’s a busy world and we forget to stay in touch, be it a small hello message, a short chat or phone call to check on our kith n kin.
This happens and it is no one’s fault. But even a small miracle or win happens we all become aligned with it and effortlessly, without saying a word, we all experience a common emotion, of joy and fulfillment. At such occasions, no one thinks about what have we gained , what difference will it make to my life , because the sense of fulfillment associated with such events in life is way beyond these calculations. That is the magic of being human. Life is all about celebrating highs and helping the lows together. Emotions and connections are two powerful aspects of being human. Kudos to such special victories and kudos to the humanity. Such triumphant times not only bring happiness but also harness back our connections through good emotions. One positive emotion has power to fade thousands of negatives in a jiffy... Isn’t it ?